

My Offers

Unlocking tailored business development and communication solutions has never been more flexible.

Explore the options below to choose a plan that aligns with your unique needs :

Daily Rate Flexibility

For contract business development, I offer flexible arrangements with a daily rate. This model allows you to optimise resource allocation based on your specific requirements, ensuring efficient utilisation of my services.

Fixed Offer for Defined Projects

Need a clear-cut solution for a specific project? Opt for my fixed offer option, where the scope and cost are clearly defined. This straightforward approach ensures transparency and budget certainty for your project.

Monthly Subscription Service

Experience flexibility and convenience with my monthly subscription service. Invest in a designated amount of time per month, and I will deliver the business development services you require on demand. This subscription model provides the flexibility to adapt to changing needs while maintaining a consistent level of support.

Ready ?

Have you identified your business development or communication needs ? Contact me for more information, and we can explore how we can customise a plan that aligns perfectly with your objectives and budget.


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